Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What I'm up to

Well, what I'm REALLY up to is procrastinating on my lab report. It's all done except for one section, but it's the hard one: The Discussion.  You know, the part where you explain why you effed up.

Started school. Again. It's never going to end. I don't know what the point of making a lot of money is if I don't start working until I'm 35 (not to mention the amount of debt I'll incur when I finally hit pharmacy school). Whatever.

Finally got a nude lipstick I like. I know, exciting news. It's MAC Hug Me. Also got Dubonnet, which is burgundy red. I've been waiting since the '90s for burgundy lipstick to come back into style, so I'm not going to waste my chance, by god!

Speaking of gods, I've been fangirling over The Avengers lately. More specifically, Loki/Tom Hiddleston. As every good fangirl should. I watched it and Thor yesterday, and it gave me, how do you call, nerd problems. I realized that it's sort of depressing that I enjoy the family drama in Thor way more than that of the Star Wars prequels.  That sounds sort of derogatory toward Thor, but what I'm trying to get at is that Star Wars, the originals, set sort of a gold standard for modern retellings of "family issues," and the prequels failed miserably at reaching that standard. Meanwhile, Thor, which is a pretty good but not great movie, makes me give way more of a crap about Loki (who's not even the main character) and his relationship with Thor and Odin than I ever could about Anakin and his relationships. (There is one common thread, though - I don't give a flip about Natalie Portman's character in either one! Although, there again, I like her in Thor better.)  I don't want this to turn into another what's-wrong-with-the-prequels harangue, so I won't go there, but I just want to say: they should have been better. They didn't have to be the best movies ever, or even as good as the original trilogy, but they should've been, and could easily have been, better. Thor got us in the feels; why couldn't you?

Yeah, so, nerd problems.

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