Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Today I learned...

Today I learned this: take any British actor you can think of, and I guarantee there is a picture out there of him drinking tea. I was doing some light fangirling on Pinterest today, and I noticed that a picture of Tom Hiddleston I saw had something in common with one of Benedict Cumberbatch: they both had a cup of tea in hand. Being the random American tea lover and Anglophile that I am, I couldn't help but get a chuckle out of that. So I looked up a few more actors. And then a lot more. Because there were that many to find (and because I was bored). I now have a collection of The Most British Pictures Ever that I don't know what to do with, so I guess I'll post my results here.

You get a double shot of Tom Hiddleston - a cute one and a funny one - since he's what started this madness. You can thank me later.

"The most British man to ever British." Completely accurate. And really adorable. Like everything that comes out of his mouth.

Next up is Benedict Cumberbatch. This is the picture that made me originally think, "Hah! Him and Hiddleston. Ah, the English and their tea." Little did I suspect.

David Tennant. In a cupboard. As one does.

Daniel Craig. Leave it to him to look completely badass while doing something often associated with little girls in frilly pink dresses and their teddy bears.

Gary Oldman. This one's even got HP Sauce on the table. Perfect.

Jude Law. You're starting to see what I'm saying, right? There is no shortage of these photos.

Not that I'm complaining. I wouldn't mind looking at Michael Fassbender's eyes twinkling at me over a teacup every morning. Technically, I'm not sure if he actually qualifies as British - his mother is Northern Irish, but he great up in the Republic of Ireland, but whatever, they're all a bunch of tea drinkers - he's from the British Isles, that's close enough. (Hehe, American logic!)

Even Hugh Laurie, whom we Americans are always surprised to learn is English, is enjoying a nice cuppa. I think most of us have figured it out by now, but there for a while I couldn't believe the number of people who watched House and didn't know of the existence of Jeeves & Wooster.

Alan Rickman even has a video of himself drinking tea. Seriously, watch it - it has DRAMA!!! The only bummer is that he doesn't talk in it.

This is when things started getting a little weird. This is Colin Firth, apparently. Taking a tea shower. I just...don't even know.  This makes me NOT want to drink tea. Sorry, Colin - you're still the best Mr. Darcy, though.

Aaaaaand then there's this one, with Jude Law and Ewan McGregor. Yeahhhh. You probably didn't want to see this, but neither did I. "One lump or two?" ...Oh god, I wish I hadn't made that joke. *takes rocket ship to other end of universe* *meanwhile a second Boston Tea Party takes place as a result*

Um, so yeah, now that things are incredibly awkward and your appetite is ruined, the end! But I was right, wasn't I? EVERY. SINGLE. ACTOR. This is as far as I got, but I'm sure I could've found dozens more. To make up for that last one, I did find one more that isn't cracked out, though. It has nothing to do with tea, but at the beginning I said these were The Most British Pictures Ever, and I was wrong. This is The Most British Picture Ever.

It could use a cup of tea in there somewhere, though.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What I'm up to

Well, what I'm REALLY up to is procrastinating on my lab report. It's all done except for one section, but it's the hard one: The Discussion.  You know, the part where you explain why you effed up.

Started school. Again. It's never going to end. I don't know what the point of making a lot of money is if I don't start working until I'm 35 (not to mention the amount of debt I'll incur when I finally hit pharmacy school). Whatever.

Finally got a nude lipstick I like. I know, exciting news. It's MAC Hug Me. Also got Dubonnet, which is burgundy red. I've been waiting since the '90s for burgundy lipstick to come back into style, so I'm not going to waste my chance, by god!

Speaking of gods, I've been fangirling over The Avengers lately. More specifically, Loki/Tom Hiddleston. As every good fangirl should. I watched it and Thor yesterday, and it gave me, how do you call, nerd problems. I realized that it's sort of depressing that I enjoy the family drama in Thor way more than that of the Star Wars prequels.  That sounds sort of derogatory toward Thor, but what I'm trying to get at is that Star Wars, the originals, set sort of a gold standard for modern retellings of "family issues," and the prequels failed miserably at reaching that standard. Meanwhile, Thor, which is a pretty good but not great movie, makes me give way more of a crap about Loki (who's not even the main character) and his relationship with Thor and Odin than I ever could about Anakin and his relationships. (There is one common thread, though - I don't give a flip about Natalie Portman's character in either one! Although, there again, I like her in Thor better.)  I don't want this to turn into another what's-wrong-with-the-prequels harangue, so I won't go there, but I just want to say: they should have been better. They didn't have to be the best movies ever, or even as good as the original trilogy, but they should've been, and could easily have been, better. Thor got us in the feels; why couldn't you?

Yeah, so, nerd problems.