Thursday, January 24, 2013

Opening a can of whoop ass...calculus style!

After reading back over my posts (yes, I do find myself entertaining) and realizing how much I've blathered about my calculus class, can I just say that I got an A in that bitch? That's right, I kicked ass and chewed bubblegum. Sixth grade me would be like, "I don't even know you, man. No way are you good at math." Well, suck it, sixth grade me, because it might've taken me a while, but I GET this whole math and science thing. God, I'm happy about that. I've been really gun-shy about this whole pharmacy thing; while I was pleasantly surprised with the grades I got in the first couple of semesters of chem and math, I was afraid that when shit got real down the line, I'd start to not do so well. Hasn't happened so far. I'll finally get balls-deep into chemistry this semester, plus I have anatomy, which I think is somewhat hardcore, so this will be the true test. I'm excited to get back into chem. I couldn't get into the one whole fricking section of the class I needed last semester, so it'll be nice to get back to the ol' lab. Anyway, an A! *I* got an *A* in calculus! Inconceivable!

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