Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Fat Lady's singing, but at least it's on my iPhone...

Well, I had a pretty awesome day until baseball came on.  Went to Nordie's, which is always fun.  I didn't buy anything; my mom was doing the shopping, but I just like being there.  Then - THEN! - we went to the Verizon store, and guess what Iiiii orrrderrrred?  That's right, what else but an iPhone 5!  I was going to get the 32 GB one, but I ended up going for the 64.  Jeez I'm excited!  This is the best thing I've ever bought myself, other than my guitar.  The spoiled, competitive little bitch in me can't wait to spring it on my friends.  Yep, I openly admit it...maturity is not my strong point.  Can't wait to see how this Siri thing works..."Siri, when is hockey coming back?" "Never." "Why?" "Because Gary Bettman is an asshole." "Thanks, Siri, you always have the right answer."

Speaking of sports, then it was home for baseball. Oh. God. Why.  At least we had the lead at SOME point during the series, thanks to Monsieur Triple Crown.  Still got swept, though.  Really embarrassing.  I was being all positive on Twitter, which is unusual for me.  It probably just hasn't hit me yet.  Tomorrow I'll be playing all the sad songs I usually play when the Wings lose in the playoffs and bawling in calculus and that kind of thing.  It's been a good year of baseball for me, though.  The Tigers had big ups and downs, and the Padres sucked steadily like they usually do, but I went to 3 Padres games and had a lot of fun with friends and family. Plus, it's been great getting to know the Tigers better over the past couple of years of watching on and off (with special thanks to the Wings fans I follow on Twitter for educating me on baseball in general), and I think sometime in about August they finally really hooked me.  Now I'm all excited for spring training and shit.  Pretty sure I'm in for the long haul now.  It was hard to get into it at first because I'm used to hockey and all its fast-paced excitement, but now that I have a way better clue of what's going on, I think all the strategy and mind games that go on between the pitcher and batter are really interesting.  Yeah, so...come on, March.  Ain't like I've got anything else going on.  What the hell did I do before I started watching sports?  My life feels so empty right now, and yet in another time and place, I was content without it.  Inconceivable.

You know what else I miss?  My fucking chemistry class.  I had, like, almost-friends in that class!  We had good times!  I even enjoyed lab, even though I kind of panicked the morning of every lab day.  I guess that's how you know you're meant to do something - even when you're scared of something, you end up enjoying it while you're doing it and missing it when it's over.  Baby come back.  Hopefully I can get in to the last general chem class I need next semester...fingers are crossed.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

It's 3:45 am. No way am I going to think of a title now.

Haha, I haven't updated since my last calculus test. Got an 89% on this one - still not bad, but argh, just one more percentage point... I have a 94% in the class, though, which doesn't seem right, but I'll take it! Must be the quizzes...I have been doing pretty good on those.

Still no hockey, so I've been balls deep in the MLB playoffs, cheering for the Tigers, of course. Sports, jeez. I can't think of anything that gives you highs and lows like that except drugs (not speaking from personal experience, of course, except where the legal ones come in).  One minute you're making the Yankees look like little league, and the next your Cy Young winning MVP pitcher is giving up home runs that make even him wonder how the hell that just happened.  What a night.  Oh well, it's only one game.  Andy Dirks and his sick flow are going to save their asses in Game 2, though (goddamn he's cute...there's my bandwagoning fangirl thought for the night).  Fister might come in handy, too. HARRRRR. Sad, I wasn't even trying to go for the zinger there, either...I'm just full of bad puns waiting to be vomited out, that's all.

I think I'm finally going to get an iPhone.  No Winter Classic means I actually have some extra money.  I've certainly done my time with the phone I have now.  I got it in...'08, I think?  I thought it was badass at the time just because it had a texting keyboard.  My friend had the same one, broke it, got another one, broke it again, got a Blackberry, hated it, and finally got some kind of Android dealy in the same amount of time as I've had this one phone.  So yeah...I'm ready to take the plunge.  I hope I don't get glued to the thing; I have kind of a love/hate relationship with technology.  I love how it makes life easier, but I hate how it makes us miss what's going on around us.  My computer was down for the last couple of weeks, and I feel like I got so much more done and just kind of enjoyed my surroundings way more than I usually do.  Oh well, back to Tron again - it's been real, real life.